Event calendar

The Markets, Economy & 2025 Outlook

Please join us for a panel discussion with…


Date & time


Supporting links

Kenwood County Club, 6501 Kenwood Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45243

27 February , 20255:30 PM - 7:00 PMĀ Eastern

  • Jeremy Zirin, Snr. Portfolio Manager, Head of the US Equity Team, UBS
  • Will Collins-Dean, Snr. Portfolio Manager & VP at Dimensional Fund Advisors
  • Andrew Dempsey, Executive Director, Market Executive, UBS

Health Care and Retirement

Many investors are concerned about post-retirement healthcare costs. We agree that this is an important consideration in retirement. Studies show that a 65 year old couple may need to spend between 10-30% of their retirement expenses on healthcare. 1 Estimates show that healthcare costs grow at an average of 5-9% per year. 1  You should expect that your overall healthcare costs may increase twice as fast as other costs in retirement. 1 By planning for these growing healthcare costs early you will be better prepared to pay for future medical costs. 1


Date & time


Supporting links

Kenwood Country Club, 6501 Kenwood Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45243

05 September , 20245:30 PM - 7:00 PMĀ Eastern

  • Julia Fuentes, CIMA, WMS, Financial Planning Strategist, Vanguard

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