First Vice President–Wealth Management
What is important to you?
That's where a conversation begins with The Western Reserve Financial Group. Helping you find those answers is what the relationship between you and us is all about. Our approach is a simple one:
Working closely with you, we ask a lot of questions and listen passionately. Then, we align our experience and resources to help you plan for your most meaningful milestones and all you hope your future can be.
The role of financial planning is to uncover strategies that help the client work toward their goals and feel more confident through market cycles. The plan you create with us evolves with you as we both work together over time.
We invite you to begin a conversation with us...
Senior Vice President–Wealth Management
Financial Advisor
Asset allocation is a proven strategy.
In today's markets, however, the trend to putting clients into impersonal investment models may not be the best for your specific goals. Opportunities may occur that allow tactical adjustments to avoid certain risks or weight a portfolio toward longer term trends. What is appropriate for each client requires both skill and listening to the clients concerns.
In order to implement our tactical allocations, Mark has earned the title of Portfolio Manager under the UBS Portfolio Management Program (PMP). The PMP program distinguishes the Western Reserve Financial Group from other advisors as UBS has authorized us to act as discretionary managers (for clients that authorize this management format). This designation requires special training, industry experience and experience in wealth management of affluent individuals.