Event calendar

Webinar: Client Education Series

As part of our mission to educate clients and create the best possible client experience, we will be hosting a virtual walk-through of online resources to ensure tax season is a breeze. Please join us as we review the most efficient methods to review statements, 1099s, tax summaries, and more. 


Date & time


Supporting links

Zoom Webinar

05 February , 20252:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern

  • Gene Burson: UBS Digital Specialist

Click HERE to join

Webinar: Client Education Series

As part of our mission to educate clients and create the best possible client experience, we will be hosting a virtual walk-through of our Online Services (OLS) platform. This will be the first call in a new series led by our digital specialist, Gene Burson. Please join us as we review the valuable tools and resources available to you as a UBS client.


Date & time


Supporting links

Zoom Webinar

13 November , 20242:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern

  • Gene Burson: UBS Digital Specialist

Click HERE to join

Senior Lifestyle Options for Your Future

Families face a myriad of options when considering Senior Living Communities for themselves or their loved ones. In an effort to better educate you on this important topic, we will be hosting an informative luncheon on Wednesday, October 23rd. We will be presenting with Friendship Village and Lincoln Financial.


Date & time


Supporting links

The Fawcett Center at The Ohio State University: 2400 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, OH 43210

23 October , 202411:30 AM - 1:30 PM Eastern

  • Emily Smith-Conlon
  • Ben Hatch, CLTC©

Election Insight Event

Our panelists will share their insights on topics including the upcoming presidential election, the future makeup of Congress, prospects for meaningful legislation impacting taxes and retirement plans and the outlook on the markets.


Date & time


Supporting links

Scioto Country Club: 2196 Riverside Drive Columbus, OH 43221

21 August , 202412:00 PM - 2:00 PM Eastern

  • Shane Lieberman
  • Chris Hennessey

Taste of New Albany

Please join us for Taste of New Albany at Rose Run Park and enjoy a summer evening showcasing area restaurants, caterers, specialty food vendors, craft beer makers, and distilleries.


Date & time


Supporting links

Rose Run Park, 200 Market Street New Albany, OH 43054

28 July , 20245:00 PM - 10:00 PM Eastern

  • New Albany Wealth Partners

Taste of New Albany Website

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