You. Connected.
Advanced Planning
Advanced Planning

The Advanced Planning Group consists of former practicing estate planning and tax attorneys who provide comprehensive planning and sophisticated advice and education to UHNW UBS clients. The team also serves as a think tank for the firm, providing thought leadership insight and creating robust intellectual capital on estate planning, tax, and related topics of interest to UHNW families.
Your family
Your family
Younger generations are positioned to become more economically empowered than their parents, yet they face an increasingly fast-paced and volatile future. To help brave the unknown, UBS Private Wealth Management can support your family through all generations to plan for the next era.
Tailored lending
Tailored lending

Our experienced banking and credit teams offer potential solutions for a range of liquidity and capital funding needs. Expect bespoke strategies for concentrated and restricted stock loan strategies, unsecured loans, REIT operating units, hedge-fund backed loans and more.
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