You have options. Be informed. Plan early.

Private Wealth Management

You are focused on the task at hand: leading a great company, raising the next round or making your mark in the pros. That does not mean you should put your personal planning on hold.

Our wealth management team works extensively with entrepreneurs, business owners, professional athletes and their families. We help our clients prepare their estates for the future liquidity they are destined to earn, and help plan for the complex challenges you may face—those that are known, as well as those unforeseen. We also help to avail our clients to investment opportunities commensurate with such wealth.

Below you will find a series of videos introducing our team, explaining how we manage clients' assets, and demonstrating our collaboration with other professionals. We invite you to watch these videos to better understand our approach and how we can assist you in achieving your financial goals.

We help guide clients to purposefully match capital to address specific goals, much like an endowment or pension plan does. Our investment approach leverages principles of behavioral finance and a stellar investment platform to address specific short-, intermediate- and long-term goals.

- Jason Chirogianis ATX Wealth Partners

Elevate Your Wealth Management Journey

Insights and Strategies for Optimal Financial Outcomes

(New relationships must have a minimum of $10MM investable assets today or within the next 12-24 months. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis)

Powerful Ways We Support Business Owners: Insights, Connections, and Strategies

We've curated an ecosystem of resources - including exclusive roundtables, white papers, a podcast series and opportunities to connect with fellow business owners - all designed exclusively for visionary middle market business owners, to illuminate their path to success with unparalleled insights, resources, and connections.

Roundtable Dinner Discussion with Paul Donovan, Chief Economist, UBS Global Wealth Management

Date.November 05 2025

Location details provided upon RSVP

  • Paul Donovan, UBS Chief Economist
Register for this event

Our Podcast Series

White Papers & Articles

Providing personalized access and solutions to select clients

“Your family, your company, your contract, your philanthropy: they’re all inextricably linked. The most effective planning understands how all the pieces mesh with one another.”

— Josh Pottinger

Business Owner in entryway

Advice for business owners & entrepreneurs

Couple in an art gallery

Comprehensive planning for significant wealth

Man working on laptop during virtual call

Planning for a changing tax landscape

Expand or transition

Monetize your business

Ready for what's next

Case studies

How we've helped clients...

A leader in wealth management

Backed by the strength of our parent company, UBS AG

$5.9+ trn

UBS Group invested assets
As of 06/30/2024

Financial strength

Driving confidence.
A-  Standard & Poor’s
A  Fitch

UBS AG, long-term senior secured debt rating. As of 03/31/2024

51 countries

Our global footprint


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