51 countries
Our global footprint
Our comprehensive planning process begins with meaningful conversations about what matters most to you. By focusing on your priorities, we'll learn all we can about you, your family and your business. We will then work together to build a plan that helps put you—and keep you—on track pursuing your goals.
Our mission is to provide quality strategies customized to your needs. Our goal is to be your primary source of financial advice. To this end, we concentrate our efforts on developing long-term relationships through a commitment to quality client service.
By seeing the big picture, we provide access to the global platforms and the financial and intellectual strengths of UBS’s experts in Wealth Management, Asset Management and our Private and Investment Banks.
Wealth from your point of view
An approach that works for your entire financial life
Our framework is designed to help you turn your possibilities into a plan. It starts with questions and a conversation to uncover everything that's important to you—beyond your money and wealth. Then, we organize your financial life in a way that gives you confidence you’ll have what you need—when you need it.
51 countries
Our global footprint
Global leader
UBS is a leading and truly global wealth manager
More than 160 years
offering financial advice