Insight-based advice

Where are you today and where do you want to be tomorrow? We recognize that a lasting relationship starts by listening and understanding your priorities and concerns. We'll work together to look at the big picture, discuss your vision for the future and help you confidently pursue your life goals.

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Jeffrey Singer

Jeffrey Singer is a Senior Vice President and Financial Advisor with over 34 years experience at UBS' Troy Michigan branch office. He began his career in 1981 at Manley, Bennett, McDonald & Co, where he transitioned through several acquisitions before moving his practice from Prudential Securities to McDonald Investments in 2000; there he remained until McDonald Investments was acquired by UBS Financial Services in 2007.  

With more than three decades experience in the securities industry, Jeff has developed a well practiced understanding of the financial markets, specializing in helping higher net worth investors save, protect, grow, and pass their assets to the next generation. Jeff takes an individualized consultative approach with each individual, family, and business to intimately understand their financial realties today, establish tomorrow's financial goals, and define a long-term investing strategy tailored to the individual client's investor characteristics. Outside of the office Jeff enjoys exercising, playing golf, and spending time with friends and family and his dog Syd. Jeff is an alumnus of the University of Michigan and has earned his Series 7, Series 63, Series 65, and Series 31 securities licenses. 

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  • University of Michigan
2301 West Big Beaver Road
Somerset Place Office Building
Troy, MI 48084

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The first 100 days

Is your portfolio ready?

In the first 100 days of a second Trump administration, policy uncertainty continues to dominate. Do you have questions about the impact of tariffs, inflation and geopolitical developments on your investment strategy?

We’re here to help you make sense of it all and move forward with confidence. Make sure your portfolio is prepared for ongoing market volatility.

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